AnimaThe Anima synth is a wavetable instrument using HALion’s wavteable synthesis which crossfades the waves smoothly in real time based on an integrated wavetable envelope. This envelope makes it very easy to control the playback of the wavetable, because no further modulation settings are required. All you have to do is set up the Speed parameter. The modulation matrix allows you to control the playback position of the oscillator using one of the integrated LFOs, the velocity, or the modulation wheel, for example.
Oscillator PagesThe Osc 1 and Osc 2 pages contain the settings for the two main oscillators.
Sub PageThe Sub page contains the settings for the sub oscillator and the noise oscillator.
Mod PageThe Mod page contains the modulation matrix.
Filter SectionIn the filter section in the lower left, you can activate and set up the filter.
Amplifier and Amplifier EnvelopeOn the right of the Env F/A tab, you can make settings for the amplifier and the amplifier envelope.
Env 3 SectionThe Env 3 section provides an additional envelope that can be routed freely in the modulation matrix. This envelope is bipolar, therefore, it is particularly suited to modulate destinations like pan or pitch, for example.
LFO SectionIn the LFO section, you can make settings for the two included LFOs.
Arp Page This page contains the integrated arpeggiator.