Key Commands Dialog
The Key Commands dialog allows you to view and edit key commands for the main menus and functions in Cubase.
To open the Key Commands dialog, select .

The following options are available:
- + All
Expands all folders.
- - All
Reduces all folders.
- Search
Allows you to search for Cubase functions. This is useful if you want to know which key command is assigned to a specific function.
- Reset Current Key Command
Allows you to reset the selected key command back to the default setting.
- Commands
Shows the Cubase functions for that you can assign key commands arranged in category folders.
- Keys
This is where the assigned key command is shown for the function that is selected in the Commands list.
- Delete Selected Key Command
Removes the key command assignment from the function that is selected in the Commands list.
- Assign Key
Assigns the key from the Type in Key value field to the function that is selected in the Commands list.
- Type in Key
This is where you can enter a key that is assigned to a function that is selected in the Commands list.
- Assigned to:
Shows the function that the key in the Type in Key value field is assigned to. Click the Select button, to select this function in the Commands list.
- Select Preset
Opens a menu with the stored key commands presets.
- Store
Opens a dialog that allows you to store a key commands preset.
- Delete
Deletes the selected key commands preset.
- Import Key Command File
Allows you to import key commands settings that you saved with an earlier program version or on another computer.
- Reset All
Resets all key commands to their default settings.