Pad Remote Control Tab
The Pad Remote Control tab in the Chord Pads Setup dialog allows you to specify a range of remote keys that trigger the chords that are assigned to the chord pads.
To open the Pad Remote Control tab, click Set up Chord Pads, and in the Chord Pads Setup dialog, click Pad Remote Control.
In the Chord Pad Triggers section, the following options are available:
- Latch Chords
Activate this if you want the chord pad to play back until it is triggered again.
- Pads Remote Range Start
Allows you to set the start note for the remote range. By default, this is set to C1.
- Pads Remote Range End
Allows you to set the end note for the remote range. By default, this is set to B1.
- MIDI Learn
Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to the pads remote range.
In the Chord Modifiers section, the following options are available:
- Activate
Activates/Deactivates the remote key assignment for the parameters voicings, tensions, and transpose. If this option is deactivated, only the remote key assignment for the pads remote range is active.
NoteIf you use the remote keys for voicings, tensions, or transposition after releasing the remote key for the chord pad, the chord pad that you last played is affected.
NoteIf you use MIDI controllers that are already assigned to other remote control features, for example, the Track Quick Controls or the VST Quick Controls, all previous assignments are lost.
In the Voicing Modifiers section, the following options are available:
- Next Voicing
Plays back the next voicing of the last played chord.
- Previous Voicing
Plays back the previous voicing of the last played chord.
- Modify All Pad Voicings
Allows you to set the voicings for all chord pads using one of the following modifiers:
No Modifier
If you select Controller, you can set the controller number in the Controller Number field.
- MIDI Learn
Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to the parameters for changing voicings.
In the Tension Modifiers section, the following options are available:
- More Tensions
Plays back the last played chord with more tensions.
- Fewer Tensions
Plays back the last played chord with fewer tensions.
- Modify All Pad Tensions
Allows you to set the tensions for all chord pads using one of the following modifiers:
No Modifier
If you select Controller, you can set the controller number in the Controller Number field.
- MIDI Learn
Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to the parameters for changing tensions.
In the Transpose Modifiers section, the following options are available:
- Transpose Up
Plays back the last played chord and transposes it upwards.
- Transpose Down
Plays back the last played chord and transposes it downwards.
- Transpose All Pads
Allows you to transpose all chord pads using one of the following modifiers:
No Modifier
If you select Controller, you can set the controller number in the Controller Number field.
- MIDI Learn
Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to the parameters for changing transpose.