VintageCompressor is modeled after vintage type compressors.
This compressor features separate controls for Input and Output gain, Attack, and Release. In addition, there is a Punch mode which preserves the attack phase of the signal and a program-dependent Auto Release function.

- VU Meter
Shows the amount of gain reduction.
- In/Out Meters
Show the highest peaks of all available input and output channels.
- Input
Determines the compression amount. The higher the input gain, the more compression is applied.
- Attack (0.1 to 100 ms)
Determines how fast the compressor responds. If the attack time is long, more of the initial part of the signal passes through unprocessed.
- Punch
If this is activated, the early attack phase of the signal is preserved, retaining the original punch in the audio material, even with short Attack settings.
- Release (10 to 1000 ms or Auto mode)
Sets the time after which the gain returns to its original level. If Auto Release is activated, the plug-in automatically finds the best release setting for the audio material.
- Mix
Adjusts the mix between dry signal and wet signal, preserving the transients of the input signal.
- Output (-48 to 24 dB)
Sets the output gain.