Export Audio Mixdown Dialog

  • To open the Export Audio Mixdown dialog, select File > Export > Audio Mixdown.

The Export Audio Mixdown dialog is divided into several sections.

Export Channel

In the Export Channel pop-up menu, you can select an output channel for export.

File Location

In the File Location section, the following options are available:

File Name

Allows you to specify the name of the mixdown file.

Click File Name Options to open a pop-up menu with naming options:

  • Set to Project Name inserts the project name into the File Name field.

  • Auto Update Name adds a number to the file name and increments the number every time you export a file.

Click Set up Naming Scheme to open a dialog where you can specify a naming scheme.

File Path

Allows you to specify the file path of the mixdown file.

Click Path Options to open a pop-up menu with file path options:

  • Choose opens a dialog that allows you to browse for a file location.

  • Use Project Audio Folder sets the path to the Audio folder of your project.

  • Recent Paths allows you to select recently selected file locations.

  • Clear Recent Paths allows you to delete all recently selected file locations.


Shows the file name with the naming scheme applied.

File Conflicts

Exporting audio can cause name conflicts with existing files that have the same name. You can define how file name conflicts are resolved:

  • Always Ask opens a warning that allows you to choose if an existing file should be overwritten or if a new unique file name should be created by adding an incremental number.

  • Create Unique File Name creates a unique file name by adding an incremental number.

  • Always Overwrite always overwrites the existing file.

File Format

In the File Format section, the following options are available:

File Type

Allows you to select a file type for the mixdown file.

Sample Rate

Allows you to select a sample rate for the mixdown file.

  • This parameter is only available for uncompressed audio file formats and FLAC files.

  • If you set the value lower than the project sample rate, the audio quality degrades and the high-frequency content is reduced. If you set the value higher than the project sample rate, the file size increases without increasing the audio quality. For CD burning, select 44.100 kHz, because this is the sample rate used on audio CDs.

Bit Depth

Allows you to select a bit depth for the mixdown file.


This parameter is only available for uncompressed audio file formats and FLAC files.

Allows you to select 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit (float), or 64-bit (float) files. If you plan to re-import the mixdown file into Cubase, select 32-bit (float). This is the resolution used for audio processing in Cubase. 32-bit (float) files are twice the size of 16-bit files. For CD burning, use the 16-bit option, as CD audio is always 16 bit. In this case, we recommend dithering. Cubase Elements only: Activating the UV-22HR dithering plug-in reduces the effects of quantization noise and artifacts when converting the audio to 16 bit. 8-bit resolution results in limited audio quality and should only be used if required.

Mono Downmix

Allows you to downmix the 2 channels of a stereo bus to a single mono file.

Split Channels

Allows you to export the 2 channels of a stereo bus as separate mono files.


Allows you to specify the naming scheme for the split channel files.

File Type Settings

In the File Type Settings section, the settings for the selected file type are available.

Export Options

In the Export Options section, the following options are available:

Realtime Export

Allows you to export the audio mixdown in real time. Realtime export takes at least the same time as regular playback. Activate this if you use external effects or instruments, or if you use VST plug-ins that require time to update correctly during the mixdown. For further information, refer to the documentation of the respective plug-ins.

  • If you export external effects or instruments in real time, you must also activate Monitor for the respective audio channels.

  • If the CPU and disk speed of your computer do not allow to export all channels simultaneously in real time, the program stops the process, reduces the number of channels, and starts again. Afterwards, the next batch of files is exported. This is repeated as often as needed to export all selected channels.

Update Display

Updates the meters during the export process. This allows you to check for clipping, for example.

Deactivate External MIDI Inputs

Deactivates MIDI inputs that are performed on external devices during the export process.

After Export

In the After Export section, the following options are available:

Create Audio Track

Creates an audio event that plays the clip on a new audio track, starting at the left locator. Activating this option also activates the Pool option.

Insert to Pool

Imports the resulting audio file automatically back into the Pool as a clip. Deactivating this option also deactivates the Create Audio Track option.

Post Process
  • Do Nothing does nothing after export.

  • Open in WaveLab opens your mixdown file in WaveLab after export. This requires that WaveLab is installed on your computer.

  • Upload to SoundCloud launches SoundCloud, and allows you to connect to your user account and upload your mixdown.

Pool Folder

Allows you to specify a Pool folder for the clip.

General Options

In the bottom section, the following options are available:

Keep Dialog Open

Activate this to keep the dialog open after clicking Export Audio.

Export Audio

Allows you to export your audio as specified.