
RingModulator can produce complex, bell-like enharmonic sounds.


Cubase LE

Cubase AI

Cubase Elements

Cubase Artist

Cubase Pro


Included with






Ring modulators work by multiplying two audio signals. The ring modulated output contains added frequencies generated by the sum of, and the difference between, the frequencies of the two signals.

RingModulator has a built-in oscillator that is multiplied with the input signal to produce the effect.


LFO Amount

Controls how much the oscillator frequency is affected by the LFO.

Env. Amount

Controls how much the oscillator frequency is affected by the envelope that is triggered by the input signal. Left of center, a loud input signal decreases the oscillator pitch, whereas right of center the oscillator pitch increases if it is fed a loud input.

Waveform buttons

Allow you to select the oscillator waveform: square, sine, saw, or triangle.

Range slider

Determines the frequency range of the oscillator in Hz.


Sets the oscillator frequency ± 2 octaves within the selected range.


Attenuates high frequencies in the oscillator waveform, to soften the overall sound. This is best used with harmonically rich waveforms (square or saw, for example).



Sets the LFO speed.

Env. Amount

Controls how much the input signal level – via the envelope generator – affects the LFO speed. With negative values, a loud input signal slows down the LFO, whereas positive values speed it up at loud input signals.


Allows you to select the LFO waveform: square, sine, saw, or triangle.

Invert Stereo

Inverts the LFO waveform for the right channel of the oscillator, which produces a wider stereo effect for the modulation.

Envelope Generator

The Envelope Generator section controls how the input signal is converted to envelope data, which can then be used to control oscillator pitch and LFO speed.


Controls how fast the envelope output level rises in response to a rising input signal.


Controls how fast the envelope output level falls in response to a falling input signal.

Lock L<R

If this button is activated, the L and R input signals are merged, and produce the same envelope output level for both oscillator channels. If the button is deactivated, each channel has its own envelope that affects the two channels of the oscillator independently.

Final Settings


Sets the output level.


Sets the level balance between the dry signal and the wet signal.