Selecting a Function
- Delete
Deletes all elements found by the Logical Editor.
- Transform
Changes one or several aspects of the found elements. You set up exactly what is changed in the action list.
- Insert
Creates new elements and inserts these into the parts. The new elements will be based on the elements found by the filter conditions, but with any changes you have set up in the action list applied.
Another way of expressing this is that the Insert function copies the found elements, transforms them according to the action list and inserts the transformed copies among the existing elements.
- Insert Exclusive
Transforms the found elements according to the action list. All elements that do not meet the filter conditions are deleted.
- Copy
Copies all found elements, transforms them according to the action list, and pastes them into a new part on a new MIDI track. The original events are not affected.
- Extract
Transforms all found events and moves them to a new part on a new MIDI track.
- Select
Selects all found events and highlights them for further work in the regular MIDI editors.