A number of general functions are available for automation.
To open the automation functions, select Functions.
, and click
- Delete All Automation in Project
Removes all automation data from your project.
- Delete Automation of Selected Tracks
Removes all automation data on selected tracks.
- Delete Automation in Range
Deletes all automation data between the left and right locators on all tracks.
- Fill Gaps on Selected Tracks
This option is used with virgin territories. Select this option to fill any gaps in the automation curves of the selected tracks with a continuous value. The value of the last event (the end point) of a section is used to fill the gap. This value is written across the gap up to one millisecond before the first event of the next automated section. A new event is inserted here; the value will be ramped to the next automated section.
- Fill Gaps with Current Value (Selected Tracks)
This option is used with virgin territories. Select this option to fill any gaps in the automation curves of the selected tracks. The gaps are filled with the current value of the corresponding control.
- Freeze All Trim Automation in Project
Freezes all trim automation for all tracks in the project.
- Freeze Trim Automation of Selected Tracks
Freezes all trim automation for the selected tracks.