Pool Window Columns
The Pool window columns display information about the clips and regions.

The following columns are available:
- Media
Contains the Audio, Video, and Trash folders. If the folders are opened, the clip or region names are shown and can be edited.
- Used
Displays how many times a clip is used in the project. If there is no entry in this column, the corresponding clip is not used.
- Status
Displays various icons that relate to the current Pool and clip status. The following symbols can be displayed:
Record folder
Indicates the Record folder.
Indicates that a clip has been processed.
Indicates that a clip is referenced in the project but missing from the Pool.
Indicates that the file the clip related to is external, for example, located outside the current Audio folder for the project.
Indicates that the clip has been recorded in the open version of the project. This is useful for finding recently recorded clips quickly.
- Musical Mode
You can use Musical Mode to tempo-match audio loops to the project tempo. The checkbox in this column allows you to activate or deactivate musical mode. If the Tempo column displays ???, you must enter the correct tempo before you can activate Musical Mode.
- Tempo
Displays the tempo of audio files if available. If no tempo has been specified, the column displays ???.
- Sign
Displays the time signature, for example, 4/4.
- Key
Displays the root key if one has been specified for the file.
- Algorithm
Displays the algorithm preset that is used if the audio file is processed.
To change the default preset, click the preset name and select another preset from the pop-up menu.
- Info
For audio clips, this column displays the sample rate, bit depth, number of channels, and length.
For regions, it displays start and end times in frames.
For video clips, it displays the frame rate, resolution, number of frames, and length.
- Type
Displays the file format of the clip.
- Date
Displays the date when the audio file was last changed.
- Origin Time
Displays the original start position where a clip was recorded in the project. As this value can be used as a basis for the Insert into Project option in the Media or context menu, you can change it if the Origin Time value is independent (for example, not for regions).
You can change the value by editing the value in the column, or by selecting the corresponding clip in the Pool, moving the project cursor to the new position and selecting .
- Image
Displays waveform images of audio clips or regions.
- Path
Displays the path to the location of a clip on the hard disk.
- Reel Name
If you have imported an OMF file, it may include this attribute, which is then shown in this column. It describes the reel or tape from which the media was originally captured.
You can rearrange the order of the columns by clicking a header and dragging left or right.