Tools for Drawing Automation Data
Apart from the Draw tool, you can use the following tools to draw automation events. If you click with any of these tools on the automation track, R is activated automatically.
Object Selection
If you click on an automation track with the Object Selection tool, an automation event is added. If you hold down Alt, you can draw several automation events.
NoteEvents that are introduced between existing events that do not deviate from the existing curve are removed as soon as you release the mouse button.
To activate the Line tool in any other available mode, click the Line tool and click again to open a pop-up menu where you can select the Line tool mode.
The following Line tool modes are available:
- Line mode
If you click on the automation track and drag with the Line tool in Line mode, you can create automation events in a line. This is a quick way to create linear fades, etc.
- Parabola mode
If you click and drag on the automation track with the Line tool in Parabola mode, you can create more natural curves and fades.
NoteThe result depends on the direction from which you draw the parabolic curve.
- Sine, Triangle, or Square mode
If you click and drag on the automation track with the Line tool in Sine, Triangle, or Square mode and snap to grid is activated, the period of the curve (the length of one curve cycle) is determined by the grid setting. If you press Shift and drag, you can set the period length manually, in multiples of the grid value.
NoteThe Line tool can only be used for ramp type automation curves.