By default in Dorico, the final systems in flows only justify to the full width of the page when they are more than half full. You can change this setting in each layout independently.
In Setup mode, choose .
The Layout Options dialog opens.
In the Layouts list, select the layouts in which you want to change the justification of the final systems in flows in one of the following ways:
Click Select All.
Click Select All Full Score Layouts.
Click Select All Part Layouts.
Click Select All Custom Score Layouts.
Ctrl/Cmd-click individual layouts.
Shift-click adjacent layouts.
By default, the layout currently open in the music area is selected when you open the dialog.
Select Note Spacing from the Category menu.
Optional: If you want the final systems in flows to justify fully always, deactivate Only justify final system in flow when more than [X] % full.
Optional: If you want to change the minimum fullness of final systems before they justify, change the value for Only justify final system in flow when more than [X] % full in any of the following ways:
Click Apply, then Close.
The automatic justification of the final systems in flows in the selected layouts is changed.
You can also change the width of individual systems independently of your default settings by changing their start/end positions independently.