Creating a layout

Layouts define how music for one or more players in one or more flows is presented, including page size, margins, staff size, and so on. In this section, you learn how to create a new layout.


You have added at least one player and one flow. You are in Setup mode.

Several layouts are often used in ensembles with multiple players, where each player may require a layout of the individual instrumental part. Dorico automatically creates a full score layout that contains all players and all flows as well as individual part layouts that each contain one player and all flows. If you require a different combination of players and flows, for example, a part containing the music for two players, you can create your own layouts, as follows:


In the Layouts panel, click Add Instrumental Part Layout.


An empty part is created on the Layouts panel.

After Completing This Task

Double-click the empty part to give it a name. Optionally, select the flows that you want to assign to the layout in the Flows panel. Activate the checkboxes of the players that you want to assign to the layout in the Players panel.