Moving tremolo strokes
You can move tremolo strokes upwards/downwards graphically.
You cannot move tremolo strokes to the right/left.
You cannot move tremolo strokes rhythmically, as they apply to specific notes, but you can move notes with tremolos to different rhythmic positions. Notes with single-note tremolos can cross barlines, however, multi-note tremolo strokes are deleted automatically when their notes cross barlines.
- In Engrave mode, select the tremolo strokes you want to move.
Move the tremolo strokes in any of the following ways:
Press Alt-Up Arrow to move them upwards.
Press Alt-Down Arrow to move them downwards.
TipIf you want to move items by larger increments, you can press Ctrl/Cmd as well as the standard key command, for example, Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-Up Arrow.
Click and drag them upwards/downwards.
The selected tremolo strokes are moved upwards/downwards.
Moving multi-note tremolo strokes also changes the length of the stems to which they are attached.
When you first move tremolo strokes graphically, they may appear to move in the wrong direction or by a larger increment than you expected. This is because their positions are reset when you override those positions by moving them.
The following properties in the Beaming group of the Properties panel are activated automatically when you move the start/end of multi-note tremolo strokes:
Start Y offset moves the start of multi-note tremolo strokes vertically by moving the end of the corresponding stem.
End Y offset moves the end of multi-note tremolo strokes vertically by moving the end of the corresponding stem.
Tremolo Y in the Notes and Rests group of the Properties panel is activated automatically when you move single-note tremolo strokes. It moves single-note tremolo strokes vertically.
For example, if you move a whole multi-note tremolo stroke upwards, both stem handles are moved so both properties are activated. You can also use these properties to move tremolo strokes by changing the values in the value fields. However, you must select the noteheads rather than the tremolo strokes in order to see the relevant groups in the Properties panel.
Deactivating the properties resets the selected stem handles, and therefore tremolo strokes, to their default positions.