When Insert mode is activated, you can input notes before existing notes without overriding them. This allows you to push existing notes forwards at the same time as inputting new notes at the previous positions of the existing notes.
In Write mode, start note input.
Select a note value in any of the following ways:
Press the number on your computer keyboard that corresponds to the rhythmic value you want. For example, press 6 for quarter notes (crotchets), 5 for eighth notes (quavers), 7 for half notes (minims), and so on.
Click the rhythmic value you want in the Notes panel on the left of the window.
Activate Insert mode in any of the following ways:
Press I.
Click Insert in the Notes toolbox on the left of the window.
When Insert mode is activated, the caret shows V and inverted V shapes at the top and bottom.
Input the pitches you want in any of the following ways:
Press the letters on your keyboard that correspond to the notes you want.
Click the staff at the rhythmic positions where you want to input notes.
A gray notehead appears when inputting with a mouse pointer to indicate where the note will be input.
Play the notes you want on a MIDI keyboard.
Deactivate Insert mode in any of the following ways:
Press I.
Click Insert in the Notes toolbox on the left of the window.
Press Esc or Return to stop note input.
Notes are inserted before existing notes, without overriding any existing notes at rhythmic positions after the caret. Any existing notes after the caret are pushed ahead to subsequent rhythmic positions.
You can deactivate Insert mode and immediately continue inputting notes as before.
Chords cannot be activated at the same time as Insert mode.