Changing the pitch of individual notes

You can change the pitch and register of individual notes, including grace notes, after they have been input by scale degrees, by step, and by transposing up/down octaves.


  1. In Write mode, select the notes whose pitches you want to change.
  2. Raise/Lower the pitches of the selected notes in any of the following ways:
    • Press Alt-Up Arrow to move notes up one staff position, for example, from B to C.

    • Press Alt-Down Arrow to move notes down one staff position, for example, from C to B.

    • Press Shift-Alt-Up Arrow to transpose notes up a single octave division. For example, a semitone in 12-EDO or a quarter tone in 24-EDO.

    • Press Shift-Alt-Down Arrow to transpose notes down a single octave division. For example, a semitone in 12-EDO or a quarter tone in 24-EDO.

    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-Up Arrow to transpose notes up an octave.

    • Press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt-Down Arrow to transpose notes down an octave.


The pitch or register of the selected notes is changed.


You can press Alt-Up Arrow and Alt-Down Arrow to change the staff positions of notes in percussion kits using grid and five-line staff presentation types. However, this also changes the instrument playing the note.