Inputting notes into multiple voices
By default, notes are input into the first up-stem voice, as indicated by the symbol of an up-stem quarter note beside the caret. You can input notes directly into other voices during step input, and switch between voices as often as you want.
You can also input notes into a new voice on a staff with existing notes. Once you have created a voice somewhere on a staff, you can input notes into that voice anywhere else on the same staff.
Notes are input into new voices, as indicated by the caret symbol.
If you are inputting notes into a new voice on a staff that already contains notes in another voice, the stem directions of existing notes at the same rhythmic position change automatically as necessary.
The quarter note symbol beside the caret changes to indicate which voice is currently selected. Any notes input are input into the voice indicated by this symbol.
You can switch between voices as often as you like.
If you have three or more voices on a single staff, you must cycle through all the voices in a set order. For example, if you have two up-stem voices and two down-stem voices, the order is: first up-stem voice, first down-stem voice, second down-stem voice, second up-stem voice.