MIDI Import Options dialog
The MIDI Import Options dialog allows you to customize the settings Dorico Pro uses to translate MIDI data into a Dorico project when importing MIDI files.
You can open the MIDI Import Options dialog by choosing and opening a MIDI file from the File Explorer/macOS Finder.
The MIDI Import Options dialog contains the following sections:
Instrument handling
The options in this section determine how Dorico Pro chooses and names instruments based on the imported MIDI file.
The Quantize Options button opens the MIDI Quantize Options dialog, which allows you to customize the quantization settings.
Keyboard handling
The options in this section determine how Dorico Pro interprets keyboard music based on the imported MIDI file, including the MIDI note number at which notes are split between the right and left hand staves and whether CC64 indicates pedal lines.
Performance preservation
The options in this section allow you to determine how much of the original performance in the MIDI file you want to preserve for playback purposes. They do not affect how the imported MIDI notes are notated, as this is controlled by the quantization options set.
Player handling
The options in this section allow you to determine the players and layouts to which instruments in the MIDI file are assigned. For example, if you are importing a MIDI file into an existing project in order to orchestrate, you might want to activate Create player group for new players and deactivate Create part layouts for new players to add a single, independent group of players without creating any extra part layouts for them.