Adding clef changes
In this piece, the register on the staff changes drastically enough in some places to justify a change in clef. The first clef changes are at the end of the first section of the piece.
- In bar 28, select the rest on the top staff.
- Press Shift-N to start note input.
- If chord input is not already active, press Q to start chord input.
- Press F, C, then F to input the corresponding pitches as a quarter note chord.
- Press Space to advance the caret.
- Press Shift-C to open the clefs and octave lines popover.
Enter bass into the popover.
Press Return to close the popover and input a bass clef at the caret position.
Continue inputting notes and chords on the top staff until the end of bar 29.
To select flat accidentals for each F♭ on beat 3 in bar 28, press -.
When you add a chord in the down-stem voice on beat 3 in bar 29, rests appear on beats 1 and 2. In the next task, you can delete them.
- Press Esc or Return to stop note input.
- In bar 30, select the rest on the top staff.
- Press Shift-C to open the clefs and octave lines popover.
Enter treble into the popover.
Press Return to close the popover and input a treble clef at the selected rhythmic position.
You have input two clef changes plus the notes and chords required on the top staff in bars 28-29.
You can also add clefs using the Clefs panel on the right of the window, which you can show by clicking Clefs in the Notations toolbox.