Finish writing the music

You should now have input a decent portion of the whole piece, and by following the previous tasks, learned how to do everything required to complete Dora Pejačević’s “Walzer-Capricen No. 2”.

Now you can finish inputting the full piece by referring to the complete score (available on Here are some reminders and tips to help you finish:

  • The music from bar 43 to the end is almost an exact repetition of bars 1-32. If you first finish everything required in bars 1-32, you can simply copy that to bar 43 and check for any differences, tweaking the duplicated material as required.


    In the original edition, the clef changes in bars 28-30 were not included when material returns in bars 70-72, presumably to save horizontal space in that system. You can decide for yourself whether to include the clef changes the second time!

  • There are many more dynamics and slurs in the piece than were included in these steps, so you can add the rest of those.

  • If you input anything in the wrong place or voice, you can easily move and lengthen/shorten notes and items:

    • To move notes/items rhythmically to the right, press Alt/Opt-Right Arrow. To move them to the left, press Alt/Opt-Left Arrow. (These key commands move dynamics to noteheads. To move dynamics by the rhythmic grid instead, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow or Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.)

    • To lengthen notes and items with duration, like hairpins, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow. To shorten them, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow.

    • To move notes/items to the staff above, press Alt/Opt-N. To move notes/items to the staff below, press Alt/Opt-M.

    • To change the voice of notes, such as from an up-stem voice to a down-stem voice, select the notes and choose Edit > Voices > Change Voice > [Voice]. You can also choose this option from the context menu.

    • To flip items so they appear on the other side of the staff, press F.

  • Likewise, you can specify the register of notes before inputting them and change their pitch after inputting them:

    • To input a note above the previous note, press Shift-Alt/Opt plus the letter for the note, for example, Shift-Alt/Opt-A. To input a note below the previous note, press Ctrl-Alt (Windows) or Ctrl (macOS) plus the letter for the note, for example, Ctrl-Alt-A (Windows) or Ctrl-A (macOS).

    • To raise notes by staff position, such as C to D, press Alt/Opt-Up Arrow. To lower notes by staff position, such as D to C, press Alt/Opt-Down Arrow.

    • To raise notes by octave divisions, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Up Arrow. To lower notes by octave divisions, press Shift-Alt/Opt-Down Arrow. (The amount depends on the prevailing tonality system: half-steps (semitones) in 12-EDO or quarter tones in 24-EDO.)

    • To raise notes an octave, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Up Arrow. To lower notes an octave, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Down Arrow.

  • You shouldn’t need to input rests anywhere: just move the caret to where the notes should be, and Dorico will show any required rests around them.

    • To start note input on a specific beat, double-click the staff at that position.

    • To advance the caret according to the note duration currently selected in the Notes panel, press Space. This also extends notations with duration, such as gradual dynamics, and continues any prevailing tuplets.

    • To move the caret according to the current rhythmic grid resolution Rhythmic grid selector in the status bar, press Right Arrow/Left Arrow.

    • To move the caret to the next/previous bar, press Ctrl/Cmd-Right Arrow/Ctrl/Cmd-Left Arrow.

    • To move the caret to the staff above/below, press Up Arrow/Down Arrow.

    • To move the caret to the top/bottom staff in the system, press Ctrl/Cmd-Up Arrow/Ctrl/Cmd-Down Arrow.

  • The key commands for accidentals are - for flat, 0 for natural, and = for sharp. You don’t have to specify accidentals if they’re included in the key signature.

  • The key commands for common note durations are 5 for eighth notes (quavers), 6 for quarter notes (crotchets), 7 for half notes (minims), and . (period) for rhythm dots. Shorter durations have smaller numbers, longer durations have larger numbers.

  • You can use the arrow keys to navigate around items in the music area, and press Tab to switch the selection to other types of items at the same position, such as from a note to a dynamic or slur.