Properties panel (Engrave mode)

The Properties panel in Engrave mode provides options that allow you to edit individual notes and notations. All the properties that are available in the Properties panel in Write mode are also available in Engrave mode, but additional properties in Engrave mode allow you to edit items in more detail.

You can hide/show the Properties panel in Write mode and Engrave mode in any of the following ways:

  • Press Ctrl/Cmd-8.

  • Click the disclosure arrow at the bottom of the main window.

  • Choose Window > Show Bottom Panel.

The Properties panel contains a group of properties for each notation item. When you select a note or item in the music area, the Properties panel displays the groups and options that you might require to edit the selected note or item.

Figure: Notes and Rests group of the Properties panel in Engrave mode

  • If you select multiple different types of notation items, only the groups that they have in common are displayed. For example, if you select a slur, the Common and Slurs groups are displayed in the Properties panel. However, if you select a slur and a note, only the Common group is displayed.

  • Many properties are layout-specific, meaning changing the properties of an item in one layout does not affect the same item in other layouts. However, you can copy property changes to other layouts.