Page numbers
Page numbers are used to give each page a unique number, and indicate its position relative to other pages. Just as in newspapers and books, musical scores and parts use page numbers to make sure the music stays in the correct order.
Because you can have multiple flows in a single project in Dorico Pro, you do not need to change page numbers manually in most cases. However, if you have separate files that together make up a single piece, page number changes are necessary to make sure the page numbers continue seamlessly from movement to movement.
In such cases, you can change the default page numbers. For example, if you want to have four pages of front matter before the first page of music in the score, but you want the first page of music in the score to be shown as page 1, you can insert a page number change on the first page of music.
Page numbers are layout-specific in Dorico Pro, meaning you can change the page numbers in each layout independently of the others. For example, you can change the page numbers in the score but show the default page numbers in the parts.
Page numbers in Dorico Pro use a text token to ensure the number is correct.
You must have a text frame containing the page number token on every page on which you want page numbers to be shown.
The default master pages contain text frames with page number tokens. You can change the position of page number text frames in the master page editor, which changes the position of page numbers on all pages that use that master page. You can also move page number text frames on individual pages.
You can also change the type of number used to show page numbers in each layout. For example, if you want the front matter to use Roman numerals but the music pages to use Arabic numerals, you can change the type of number together with the page number.