
The auto-save function stores a version of the currently active project at regular intervals. This reduces the chances of losing significant amounts of work if you accidentally close a project without saving or in the unlikely event that Dorico Pro or your computer crashes.

By default, Dorico Pro uses the AutoSave folder inside your Dorico Projects folder, whose default location is in the Documents folder for your user account. Dorico Pro also auto-saves new projects you have not explicitly saved yet.


Dorico Pro might become less responsive briefly in order to perform auto-saves, particularly for larger projects.

Auto-save with multiple projects open

Only the currently activated project is auto-saved at each auto-save interval if you have multiple projects open. This is because only a single project at a time can be activated for playback. If you are switching between multiple projects frequently, we recommend that you set a smaller auto-save interval.

Removal of auto-save files

All files in the AutoSave folder are automatically deleted when you close their corresponding projects and also when you quit Dorico Pro.


This includes any file in the AutoSave folder, not just auto-save projects. Therefore, it is important that you do not choose your main projects folder as your AutoSave location or save projects in the AutoSave folder.


If you want to access earlier versions of projects, you can use project backups.