Main Section

The Main section contains basic settings.


Transposes the pitch in octave steps.


Transposes the pitch in semitone steps.


Detunes the pitch in cents steps (1/100 of a semitone).

Level Velocity Curve

Defines how incoming MIDI velocity values are re-mapped before they are sent to the program or layer. By default, the incoming and outgoing values are identical. The characteristic of each curve is displayed by a small icon.

Low Key

Defines the lowest key on which the program or layer is triggered.

High Key

Defines the highest key on which the program or layer is triggered.

Low Vel

Defines the lowest velocity on which the program or layer is triggered.

High Vel

Defines the highest velocity on which the program or layer is triggered.

Sus, FCtrl, FSw, PB, MW, and AT

The Filter options allow you to filter incoming MIDI controllers.


Adjusts the level of the layer. This parameter works as an offset to the zone settings.


Defines the position of the layer in the stereo panorama. This parameter works as an offset to the zone settings.