New Features
The following list informs you about the most important improvements in HALion and provides links to the corresponding descriptions.
This is the Operation Manual for Steinberg’s HALion. Here you will find detailed information about all the features and functions in the application.
Typographical Conventions
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Setting Up
You can use HALion as a plug-in for a number of host applications. Depending on the host application, you might have to make additional settings, or you might be restricted to a reduced parameter set, number of outputs, etc.
HALion provides flexible and highly customizable window management options. You can arrange the available editors in the window, structure the window sections using tabs, and configure several separate windows for your work. The size of each window and window section is individually adjustable. This allows you to make the most of the available screen space.
Setup Options
You can configure the control panel using the setup options.
View and Tab Operations
You can add, move, and resize tabs and views to configure the control panel.
Available Editors
The editors give you access to the parameters of HALion and its programs and modules.
Screen Sets
You can save the control panel setup as a screen set. This allows you to configure HALion for different workflows and editing situations.
Opening Additional Windows
You can open new windows that are based on presets, or you can create new windows by dragging existing views or tabs out of the window.
Locking Windows
If you open an additional window, HALion shows the settings of the focused program, layer, zone, etc. This way, all editors and separate windows relate to the same material. However, in some cases it might be necessary to show different objects in different windows, for example, to compare the parameter sets of two zones or layers. This can be achieved by locking a window.
Setting the Focus
It is important to know which view, window, or tab has the focus. The focused section of the window is the area to which your actions, such as key commands, are applied. The view that has the focus is indicated by a blue frame.
Home Screen
When HALion is loaded and the user interface opens, the Home Screen is shown. This window helps you to find a good starting point for your work, so that you do not have to set up the window from scratch each time you start a new project.
Some common controls and concepts exist throughout the program. For example, presets can be used in several different sections and contexts, but their handling is always the same.
Knobs and Sliders
Knobs and sliders can be unidirectional or bidirectional. Unidirectional values, for example, level values, start at a minimum value and go up to the maximum. Bidirectional controls start from the middle position and go to the left for negative and to the right for positive values.
HALion contains two different types of buttons: On/Off buttons and push buttons.
Value Fields
You can enter or edit values in the available value fields using your keyboard or mouse. To enter key ranges or the root key, for example, you can use an external MIDI keyboard.
Key Commands Dialog
The Key Commands dialog allows you to view and edit key commands for the main menus and functions in HALion.
HALion offers two types of presets: section/module presets and VST presets. Section and module presets store and recall the setup of a specific component on the HALion panel. VST presets contain all information necessary to restore the complete state of the plug-in.
In the plug-in functions section, on the toolbar, and on the Options Editor, you can find global functions and settings for HALion.
Plug-in Functions Section
The plug-in functions section at the top of the window gives you access to global functions that affect both the currently loaded programs and the general working of the plug-in.
Plug-in Name and Steinberg Logo
To obtain information regarding the version and build number of the plug-in, click the plug-in logo. This opens the About box. To close the About box, click it, or press Esc on your computer keyboard.
The toolbar below the plug-in functions section contains controls for loading multi-programs, for switching between different screen sets, for opening the home screen, and for various useful global functions.
Keyboard Editor
The Keyboard Editor contains the wheel controls, the sphere control, and the internal keyboard.
Quick Controls
Quick controls allow you to remote-control any parameter inside the program.
Options Editor
The Options Editor contains global settings regarding performance optimization, global functions, MIDI controllers, etc.
AI Knob Support
HALion can be controlled with the AI knob of Steinberg’s CC121, CI 2, and CI2+ controller units.
You can automate most of the HALion parameters from within your host application, whether these are parameters of a program or global parameters such as AUX effects.
Automation Editor
All assigned automation parameters are shown in the Automation editor.
Setting Up Automation
By default, some of the slot parameters are already assigned to automation parameters, for example Mute, Solo, Volume, Pan, and Program Change. When you load a program, it automatically adds its automation parameters for the eight quick controls and the sphere control.
You can load, save, and manage different kinds of sound files.
Programs, Layers, and Multi-Programs
HALion comes with a wide range of factory content and allows you to load other Steinberg content, user-generated content, or third-party libraries.
Registering VST Sounds
To be able to use the content of VST Sound containers, the containers must be registered in the MediaBay.
Loading Programs and Layers
You can load programs and layers via the Program Tree, the MediaBay or the Browser, via drag and drop onto the Slot Rack, and via various context menus in different areas of the plug-in.
Load Dialog
The Load dialog allows you to load programs, layers, and multi-programs.
Slot Rack
The Slot Rack has 64 slots. Each slot can contain a program, that is, you can work with 64 programs at the same time.
Managing and Loading Files
You can use the MediaBay and the Browser to manage, navigate to, load, and preview different file types.
Working with General MIDI Files
HALion can play back files in the General MIDI (GM) format.
You can manually edit the sample mapping via the Mapping Editor. The mapping functions are based on information like key range, root key, and velocity range.
Mapping Editor
The Mapping Editor allows you to view and edit the distribution of the zones within a program.
Sample Zones and their Root Keys
The root key determines the original pitch of a zone, that is, the key on which the zone is played without being transposed. Samples can contain root key information embedded in the sample file. When they are loaded, they are automatically mapped to the corresponding keys.
The Mapping Editor can zoom and scroll in two dimensions: the keyboard and the velocity scale.
In the Sound Editor for programs and layers, you can find the parameters that are set globally for an entire program or layer. For example, you can transpose the pitch, adjust level and pan, and limit the playback to a specific area on the keyboard.
Managing Sections
The Sound Editor is divided into several sections that contain parameters for different functions or situations.
Main Section
The Main section of the Sound Editor contains basic settings.
Trigger Section
The Trigger section of the Sound Editor allows you to control the trigger and release behavior.
Voice Management Section
The Voice Management section allows you to control the maximum number of notes that you can play and to set conditions for note stealing and triggering.
Variation Groups Section
To avoid the so-called machine gun effect that occurs when the same sample is triggered repeatedly, you can create programs that use several samples for the same key and velocity range. These samples can then be triggered alternately as variations. In the Variation Groups section, you can define which samples are triggered as variations by assigning them to variation groups.
Note Expression Section
This section shows the Note Expression controllers on the left and the assigned modulation destinations on the right. This gives you a quick overview of how the Note Expression controllers are routed in the modulation matrix and of their influence on the sound.
Macro Page Editor
The Macro Page Editor shows the macro pages contained in your programs. Macro pages are preconfigured to show the most important parameters for the specific programs. For some programs, you edit the parameters on the macro page. In other programs, macro pages give you access to the underlying zone and layer parameters.
You can edit zones in the Zone Editor.
Adding Zones
You can add zones in the Program Tree. Which zone type to add depends on the type of sound that you want to create or work with.
Zone Types
On the Zone Type pop-up menu, you can choose from different zones, depending on the sound that you want to create.
Adding Samples to Empty Zones
Depending on the zone type, it can be necessary to fill a zone you created with sample material. This applies to sample zones, granular zones, wavetable zones, and spectral zones.
Absolute and Relative Editing
When editing multiple zones, you can either change values absolutely for all the zones (ABS) or make relative changes (REL), depending on the setting of the corresponding button on the toolbar.
Zone Editor Toolbar
The toolbar at the top of the Zone Editor contains tools that show/hide more information and set up basic parameters.
Zone Info Bar
This bar shows information on the zone.
Managing Sections
The Zone Editor is divided into several sections that contain parameters for different functions or contexts.
Voice Control Section
The Voice Control Section contains the same controls for sample, synth, grain, and wavetable zones and a separate set of controls for organ zones.
Pitch Section
In the Pitch section for synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones, you can make settings for tuning and pitch modulation.
Oscillator Section
The Oscillator section is available for synth zones.
Sample Oscillator Section
This section is available for sample zones. It encompasses two pages: Mode and Sample.
Grain Oscillator Section
The Grain Oscillator is available for granular zones.
Organ Oscillator Section
Organ zones produce the sound of classic drawbar organs with up to nine drawbars. Each drawbar controls the level of a harmonic. The drawbars are named after the length of church organ pipes, ranging from 16' to 1'. 16' is the lowest and 1' the highest harmonic. You can mix the harmonics using the drawbars to create different classic organ timbres.
Wavetable Section
The Wavetable section in the Zone Editor provides access to the oscillator parameters of wavetable zones. The oscillator is a combination of two wavetable oscillators, a sub oscillator, and a noise oscillator. These can be mixed with individual settings for Level, Pan, Tuning, etc.
FM Oscillator Section
The FM Oscillator section is available for FM zones. It allows you to set up the frequency modulation parameters.
Spectral Oscillator Section
The Spectral Oscillator section is available for spectral zones. The spectral oscillator analyzes the spectrum of the loaded sample, that is, the progression of the frequencies, amplitudes, and phases from the sample start to the end of the sample. The analyzed spectrum is used to generate a waveform for playback.
Filter Section
The Filter section for synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones allows you to adjust the tone color of the sound.
Amplifier Section
The Amplifier section has two tabs: Main and AUX. The Main tab gives you access to the level and pan settings of the zone. The AUX tab allows you to send the zone to the four global AUX busses and to route the zone to one of the plug-in output busses.
Envelope Section
The Envelope section gives you access to the envelopes of the zone. Each envelope is a multi-segment envelope with up to 512 nodes.
LFO Section
Synth, sample, grain, FM, spectral, and wavetable zones offer two polyphonic LFOs and an X-LFO.
Step Modulator
Synth, sample, grain, and wavetable zones feature a polyphonic step modulator for creating rhythmic control sequences.
The concept of controlling one parameter by another one is called modulation. HALion offers many fixed assigned modulations, such as the amplitude and filter envelopes, or pitch key follow.
The Sample Editor allows you to view and edit samples. If a sample zone is selected, the Sample Editor shows the corresponding sample.
Loading and Previewing Samples
The controls in the Sample Editor header allow you to load a sample and make preview settings.
Zone Info Bar
This bar shows information on the zone.
The toolbar contains tools for editing sample markers, loop markers, and slices, for example.
Info Line
The info line shows information on the sample file and the selection.
Overview Line
The overview line shows the entire sample. The section that is visible in the waveform display is indicated by a rectangle. The current selection range in the waveform display is shown in brown.
Waveform Display
The waveform display shows the waveform image of the sample. To the left of the waveform display, a level scale is shown, indicating the amplitude of the audio.
Parameter Section
The parameter section below the waveform display contains sample and sample zone parameters.
Markers specify important positions or sections in a sample.
Setting up the Sample Range
You define the sample range with the Sample Start and Sample End markers in the waveform display.
Editing Samples in an External Editor
HALion allows you to use an external sample editor to perform destructive offline editing on a sample, for example applying EQs, filtering, or denoising.
Creating Loops
You can specify two independent loops, one for the sustain phase and one for the release phase.
Creating Slices Automatically
You can slice samples in the Sample Editor. This allows you to play them back in sync with the host application, for example.
Sample Replacement
You can replace samples in the Sample Editor and in the Program Tree.
HALion’s wavetable synthesis offers you a wide range of possibilities, from the re-synthesis of samples to the creation of entirely new sounds.
Wavetable Editor
The Wavetable Editor allows you to create wavetables by extracting waves from samples.
Pitch Detection
The Wavetable Editor automatically detects the pitch of samples that are added.
Markers in the sample display indicate the position in a sample that the wave is extracted from.
Replacing Samples
When you replace a sample, HALion tries to maintain the marker positions. However, if the new sample is shorter, any markers that would end up in an area beyond the new sample are set to the end of the sample instead.
Importing Wavetables
HALion can import wavetables that were saved as .wav files. You can import .wav files consisting of one wave or of multiple single-cycle waves.
Managing Wavetables
The Wavetable Editor allows you to load, save, and delete wavetables.
You can make MIDI and MIDI controller settings in the MIDI Editor, the MIDI CC editor, and the Options Editor.
MIDI Editor
The MIDI Editor provides access to the MIDI slot parameters. Furthermore, you can specify MIDI controllers for filtering.
MIDI Controllers
HALion allows you to assign almost any parameter to a MIDI controller. However, you can only assign one parameter of a single zone, layer, effect control, etc. at a time. If you want to use the same MIDI controller for several zones, layers, etc., you have to assign it several times.
You cam perform your mixing operations in the Mixer.
Mixer Window
The Mixer manages all busses that are available in a HALion instance, that is, the 32 stereo output busses plus one surround bus, the 64 slot busses, the four AUX busses, and a dynamic number of program and layer busses depending on the current program architecture.
Audio Bus Architecture
The audio signals of zones, layers, programs, and slots are managed via audio busses. You can load insert effects into any of the audio busses, for example, to process the audio of a single layer or an entire program.
Insert Effects
Each channel can load up to eight insert effects. The inserts are shown on expanded channel strips.
HALion allows you to load a virtually unlimited number of programs into the Program Table. This allows for quick access to these programs and for preloading the program samples for faster changes between programs.
Program Table
The Program Table lists all programs that are loaded in HALion.
Loading Programs in the Program Table
You can load a program into the Program Table without automatically loading it into the Slot Rack. This allows you to configure the Program Table.
Configuring the Program Table
You can configure the Program Table by showing/hiding and rearranging the columns.
The Program Tree is the main area for navigating and making selections. It shows the active program with all its layers, zones, and modules and allows you to add, load, import, or delete elements.
Program Tree Elements
The Program Tree shows all components of the program that is selected in the Slot Rack.
Program Tree Toolbar
You can use the tools on the toolbar to load or save a program, modify a program by adding elements, set up a selection filter, and more.
Program Tree Columns
The first three columns in the Program Tree give you access to the Visibility, Mute, and Solo functions. In the Name column on the right, the selected program and its elements are displayed. They are organized in a hierarchical structure, with the program at the topmost level.
Program Tree Context Menu
The context menu contains options and commands for the Program Tree elements.
Color Scheme
The color of the icons for program, layers, and zones offer additional information.
Importing Samples
You can manually select samples to import or you can import complete folders containing samples.
Replacing Samples
You can replace the samples that are used by your sample zones. This is useful if you have modified your samples in an external editor or converted them to another format, for example.
Exporting Samples
You can export multiple samples and make settings for them.
Exporting Programs and Layers with Samples
You can export a program or layer together with the corresponding samples as a VST preset.
Exporting Programs and Layers as HALion Sonic Layer Presets
By exporting programs or layers as HALion Sonic layer presets, you can ensure that HALion Sonic loads them correctly. This is particularly useful if you create content as part of a VST Sound container, because it allows you to verify that the preset contains all necessary resources.
Exporting Programs and Layers as VST 3 Presets with Files
You can export a program or layer, including all of its files, to a new directory. This enables you to use your programs or layers on another computer.
Sliced Loop Import
You can import sliced loops in the REX1 and REX2 formats or drag and drop sliced events directly from Cubase.
Selections in the Program Tree
The selection in the Program Tree defines which part of the program can be edited in HALion.
Navigating in the Program Tree
If the Program Tree has the window focus, you can use the arrow keys for navigating between the elements.
Setting Up the Program in the Program Tree
You can set up a program by adding elements such as modules, layers, or zones, and by structuring them in the Program Tree.
Renaming Elements
If you create a new element in the Program Tree, it gets a generic name.
The Parameter List gives you a detailed overview of the parameters of the element that is selected in the Program Tree.
Which tools are available on the toolbar depends on the element for which the Parameter List is opened.
You can add and remove columns in the Parameter List and change the column width by dragging the dividers.
The Sample Recorder allows for live sampling in HALion. You can sample the sounds of another plug-in and map them to the keyboard, reduce CPU load by writing processing and fades directly in the sample file, or quickly create sounds from events in your sequencer projects and edit them further in HALion, for example.
Main Tab
On the Main tab, you can make global settings for the recording, for example, set up Input Source and Input Gain and specify whether you want to record a single sample or multiple samples.
Options Tab
On the Options tab, you can specify the sample format and the location for the recorded samples. Furthermore, you can define a naming scheme and make playback settings for the created sample zones.
Auto Trim
How Auto Trim works depends on whether you start recording manually or automatically by specifying an audio threshold, for example.
Recording From an Audio Track That Contains Multiple Drum Sounds
Recording audio from a track in a Steinberg DAW allows you to save any processing, fades, etc. directly in the audio event.
Recording the Output of Another Plug-in
Recording the output of another plug-in allows you to save the sounds that you created with other plug-ins, software or hardware, exactly the way that you set them up. This can be particularly useful if a plug-in does not allow you to create presets, for example.
Monitoring the Input Signal
The Sample Recorder can play back the input signal. This is useful if you have routed an audio track from the DAW to the side-chain input of HALion. In this case, the signal of the track is no longer sent to the master bus of your sequencer and cannot be heard.
HALion comes with a factory library containing powerful instruments. For each instrument, an intuitive macro page is available, offering a rich palette of presets.
The Auron synth uses granular synthesis with up to 8 grain streams to produce oscillator waveforms. With the integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer, you can create anything from sequencer lines to stepped chords.
Trium was designed to create modern and rich sounds. It comes with 3 oscillators, a sub oscillator, a ring modulator, and a noise generator. With the integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer, you can create anything from sequencer lines to stepped chords.
Voltage is a two-oscillator and noise synthesizer that can be used for synth basses, but it also allows you to create any kind of classic monophonic and polyphonic synth sound. With the integrated arpeggiator and step sequencer, you can create anything from sequencer lines to stepped chords.
Model C
Model C is a classic tonewheel organ emulation with 9 drawbars and 3 additional drawbars for the percussion.
HALiotron emulates the sound generation of the pre-digital sampling era.
B-Box provides you with a veritable drum computer. It comes with 13 instrument lanes that can make use of up to 128 different sounds. You can set up your drum patterns, create variations, and modify each drum sound using a low-pass filter and several distortion modes.
World Instruments
World Instruments delivers a great variety of ethnic instruments that can either be played manually or use the integrated arpeggiator.
World Percussion
World Percussion delivers a great variety of ethnic percussion instruments and associated MIDI phrases.
The Anima synth is a wavetable instrument using HALion’s wavteable synthesis which crossfades the waves smoothly in real time based on an integrated wavetable envelope. This envelope makes it very easy to control the playback of the wavetable, because no further modulation settings are required. All you have to do is set up the Speed parameter. The modulation matrix allows you to control the playback position of the oscillator using one of the integrated LFOs, the velocity, or the modulation wheel, for example.
The Skylab synth is an instrument that produces a wide range of sounds that are perfectly suited to create cinematic or ambient soundtracks. It comes with a large number of multi-samples that provide a variety of evolving pads and soundscapes as well as typical orchestral sounds like strings, brass, and choirs, allowing you to create huge and epic sounds. Furthermore, percussive sample sets of orchestral percussion and taikos are available that can be used with the integrated arpeggiator to create rhythmic patterns, for example.
Raven provides the sound of a classical Italian concert grand with six velocity layers and adjustable sustain resonances. Its Tone control allows you to adapt the tonal range from very soft romantic to more intense colors. In addition, you can modify the character of the note-off behavior by adding a dedicated note-off layer.
Eagle provides the sound of a classical German concert grand with 12 velocity layers and adjustable sustain resonances. Its Tone control allows you to adapt the tonal range from very soft romantic to more intense colors. In addition, you can modify the character of the note-off behavior by adding a dedicated note-off layer.
Hot Brass
Hot Brass delivers a broad range of brass sounds and articulations suitable for rock, soul, funk, and other music styles that need sharp and accentuated brass tone colors. This instrument is particularly suited to play concise licks and riffs.
Studio Strings
Studio Strings delivers a broad range of string sounds and articulations comprising solo strings, small chamber, and full orchestra sections.
HALion allows you to build your own sample and synthesizer instruments and to customize them using the integrated Lua script engine. Via the Macro Page Designer, you can create your own user interface for these instruments.
Macro Pages, Templates, Controls, Resources, and Libraries
The general concept for macro pages distinguishes between templates, controls, resources, and libraries.
Getting Started
To learn how to build your own macro pages, we recommend to try it out step by step and become familiar with the processes and options.
Macro Page Designer
The Macro Page Designer is where you create and edit macro pages.
Editing and Assembling Elements
For your macro pages, you will use many elements that need to be placed on the canvas in a specific order, have a specific color and size, etc. You have many possibilities for adding, editing, scaling, and arranging the available elements on the canvas.
Libraries are identical to macro pages, except that they do not include a functional user interface. Libraries can contain templates and their resources, as well as any further useful content for macro pages.
Connecting Macro Page Controls to HALion Parameters
To be able to use a macro page control, you must connect it to a parameter in HALion.
Collaboration on Macro Pages
If you want to work on macro pages together with other users, you must make sure that you exchange all the added and required content.
Cleaning Up and Consolidating Your Macro Pages
Before finalizing your macro pages, you may want to remove any unused files, or consolidate names and locations of the resource files used in the macro page. HALion offers you several tools for cleaning up the macro page content.
The Library Creator allows you to create your own instrument libraries.
Libraries are built as VST Sound container files that contain all the components that make up your instrument, such as presets, samples, macro pages, MIDI modules, scripts, and sub presets.
Library Creator Editor
The Library Creator is available as a HALion editor.
Unassigned VST Sound Containers
When you add presets to your library that use samples referring to other VST Sound containers, these containers are added to the Unassigned VST Sound list as required VST Sound containers.
Consistency Check
To avoid incomplete or nonfunctional libraries, the Library Creator performs several automatic checks when building libraries. As a first step, all presets are checked when they are added to a VST Sound container. If any issues are found, a red warning sign is shown in the Issue column of the corresponding preset, and a global warning sign is shown in the list of unassigned samples/VST Sound containers. Existing issues do not prevent the Library Creator from building the VST Sound container, however. They simply allow you to identify issues that you need to fix before releasing the library.
HALion comes with a collection of high-quality studio effects.
Reverb Effects
The Reverb submenu contains the reverb effects.
Delay Effects
The Delay submenu contains the delay effects.
EQ Effects
The EQ submenu contains the equalizer effects.
Filter Effects
The Filter submenu contains the filter effects.
Distortion Effects
The Distortion submenu contains the distortion effects.
Pitch Shift Effects
The Pitch Shift submenu contains the pitch shifting effects.
Modulation Effects
The Modulation submenu contains the modulation effects.
Dynamics Effects
The Dynamics submenu contains the dynamics effects.
Spatial and Panner Effects
The Spatial + Panner submenu contains the stereo panorama effects.
Surround Effects
The Surround submenu contains the effects for positioning the signal in the surround field and for downmixing a surround signal to stereo.
Tools Effects
The Tools submenu contains the channel router effect that allows you adjust the channel routing for a bus.
Legacy Effects
The Legacy submenu contains legacy effects that were used in HALion 3.
The MIDI modules in HALion range from standard arpeggiator modules to more dedicated modules that trigger specific events or deliver specific modulation signals.
Common Functions
Some functions and settings are available in several MIDI modules. These are described in the following sections.
The FlexPhraser is an arpeggio and phrase player.
Trigger Pads
You can use the trigger pads to trigger single notes or whole chords and to switch between FlexPhraser or arpeggiator variations.
MIDI Player
The MIDI Player allows you to load up to eight different MIDI files. For example, you can load different variations of a MIDI file and modify these variations by using the performance parameters.
Drum Player
The Drum Player module allows for classic drum beat programming with up to 64 steps playing on up to 16 tracks. Each track can play a different sound.
Mono Envelope
This MIDI module triggers a monophonic multi-segment envelope that you can use as a modulation source in the modulation matrix of a zone.
Mono LFO
You can add monophonic LFOs to the program as MIDI modules. An LFO module can be used for an entire program or for specific layers.
Mono Step Modulator
You can add the step modulator to the program as a MIDI module and use it as a modulation source in the modulation matrix of a zone.
True Pedaling
This MIDI module produces a modulation signal from the sustain pedal that you can use to simulate true pedaling of grand pianos. Instead of switching between two layers, this module allows you to crossfade between layers when you press or lift the sustain pedal, which produces a more realistic sound.
The MegaTrig module allows you to control playing styles and articulations and to trigger release samples and instrument noises by setting up conditions. You can combine up to eight conditions into an expression using logical operations.
Layer Alternate
You can use this module to automatically switch between different layers. This is useful for alternating between the up and down bows of a string instrument or the left and right hand of drum strokes, for example.
Key Switch Alternate
This module allows you to automatically switch between different layers that are using MegaTrig key switches.
Key Switch Remote
The Key Switch Remote module allows you to remote-control key switches that are used within the parent layer.
MIDI Randomizer
The MIDI Randomizer module allows you to randomly trigger notes.
CC Mapper
This MIDI module allows you to map MIDI controllers to other MIDI controllers before they are passed on to the following layers and zones. You can also use it to transform incoming values using curves.
Velocity Curve
The Velocity Curve module allows you to map incoming velocity values to different output values via an adjustable curve.
Tuning Scale
This MIDI module allows you to create custom tuning scales or apply one of the tuning scale presets.
Lua Script
The Lua Script module allows you to create and manage your own scripts.
Key Commands Reference
Below, the default key commands are listed according to category.
You can use HALion independently of a host application.
Preferences Settings
You can configure the standalone version of HALion via the Plug-in Preferences dialog.
Preferences Dialog
The Plug-in Preferences dialog has several pages on which you can make settings.
Scratch Pad
The scratch pad allows you to record and play back MIDI files in Standard MIDI File format (SMF). You can load existing MIDI files, and you can record your own files and save them.
Loading a MIDI File
You can load MIDI files in Standard MIDI File format (file name extension .mid).