Studio EQ
Studio EQ is a high-quality 4-band parametric equalizer.

With the four frequency bands, you can shape the tone color, to create a brighter or darker sound, for example. The two mid-range bands act as peak filters and the low and high bands act as shelving filters. All bands are fully parametric with adjustable gain, frequency, and Q factor. Each frequency band offers the following controls:
- On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the frequency band.
- Gain
Sets the amount of cut or boost for the corresponding band.
- Freq
Sets the frequency that is cut or boosted with the Gain parameter.
- Q (Quality)
Adjusts the bandwidth of the mid-range peak filters from wide to narrow. By increasing the Q value on the low and high shelving filters, you can add a dip to their shape.
To adjust the parameters Gain and Freq simultaneously, drag the points in the EQ curve display.