Tube Compressor
This versatile compressor with integrated tube-simulation allows you to achieve smooth and warm compression effects. The GR meter shows the amount of gain reduction. Tube Compressor features an internal side-chain section that lets you filter the trigger signal.

- In/Out Meters
Show the highest peaks of all available input and output channels.
- GR Meter
Shows the amount of gain reduction.
- Input
Determines the compression amount. The higher the input gain, the more compression is applied.
- Limit
Increases the ratio of the compressor for a limiting effect.
- Drive (1.0 to 6.0)
Controls the amount of tube saturation.
- Attack (0.1 to 100 ms)
Determines how fast the compressor responds. If the attack time is long, more of the initial part of the signal passes through unprocessed.
- Release (10 to 1000 ms or Auto mode)
Sets the time after which the gain returns to its original level. If Auto Release is activated, the plug-in automatically finds the best release setting for the audio material.
- Output (-12 to 12 dB)
Sets the output gain.
- Mix
Adjusts the mix between dry signal and wet signal preserving the transients of the input signal.
- Side-Chain
Activates the internal side-chain filter. The input signal can then be shaped according to the filter parameters. Internal side-chaining is useful for tailoring how the gate operates.
- Monitor
Allows you to monitor the filtered signal.
- Filter Type (Low-Pass/Band-Pass/High-Pass)
If Side-Chain is activated, these buttons allow you to set the filter type to low-pass, band-pass, or high-pass.
- Center (50 to 20000 Hz)
If the Side-Chain button is activated, this sets the center frequency of the filter.
- Q-Factor
If the Side-Chain button is activated, this sets the resonance or width of the filter.