Options Page

On the Options page, you can define globally how to control the two available aspects of a program. These aspects are Expression and Espressivo.

  • To open this page, click the Options button in the top right of the window.

You can control the aspects using a MIDI controller, velocity, or a Note Expression controller. These sources can be sent through an individual curve.

  • To assign a controller, open the pop-up menu for the Expression or Espressivo aspect and select a MIDI controller, a Note Expression controller, or velocity.

If a program does not use the Espressivo aspect, no controller is assigned. Assigning a controller afterwards has no effect.

Curve Editor

The curve editor allows you to transform the incoming controller data, for example, from linear to exponential or logarithmic behavior. You can set up individual curves for each controller assignment. The curve editor displays the settings of the currently selected controller.

  • To adjust the settings of a controller, click the Curve button to the right of the aspect that you want to edit.

The curve editor offers different curve shapes that you can select by clicking the corresponding curve button on the right.

  • To set up a curve, click the Custom curve button at the bottom of the left column.

If the Custom preset is selected, you can edit the curve graphically with the mouse:

  • Double-click in the editor to insert a new node.

  • Double-click on a node to delete it.

  • Drag the nodes to the desired positions to adjust the basic shape of the curve.

  • Drag the lines between the nodes up or down to change the curvature.

  • Use the preset controls to save your custom curve as curve preset.

Pitch Bend

The Pitch Bend parameters allow you to define how much the pitchbend wheel on your keyboard can bend the original pitch. You can define the range independently for the Up and Down direction (-48 to + 24 semitones).

Alternation Enable Key

Many of the programs in HALion Symphonic Orchestra work with alternating layers, for example, to realize alternating bow up and bow down directions. This option is by default assigned to a specific key, so that you can easily enable and disable it while playing. This key is shown in red on the keyboard.

You can modify the key assignment by clicking in the Enable Alternation Key value field and then playing the note. Alternatively, you can type in the new note number or name. For programs that do not contain alternating layers, the Enable Alternation Key parameter is not available.