Sampler Control Toolbar
The Sampler Control toolbar contains various settings and functions.
- Read Automation
Allows you to read track automation.
- Write Automation
Allows you to write track automation.
- Switch between A/B Settings
Allows you to switch between different parameter settings.
- Event Received Indicator
This LED indicates incoming MIDI messages via the selected MIDI input. The LED lights up on receiving note-on and controller messages. This way, you can check if Nuendo and your MIDI keyboard are connected to the same MIDI device input.
- Snap to Zero Crossing
Restricts sample editing to zero crossings, that is, to positions where the amplitude is zero.
- Auto-Scroll
Keeps the project cursor visible during playback.
- Preset section
Shows the name of the track preset that is loaded for the sampler track. You can also save and load presets.
- Import Audio File
- File Name
Shows the file name of the sample.
- Tempo
Shows the tempo of the sample.
- Root Key
Shows the root key that determines the pitch of the sample. You can change the root key by entering a new value in the value field or by dragging the root key handle on the Sampler Control keyboard.
- Loop Mode
Allows you to select a loop mode for playback via MIDI.
If this is set to No Loop, the sample is played once.
If this is set to Continuous, the sample is played in a continuous loop.
If this is set to Alternate, the sample is played back in a loop that alternates forward and backward.
If this is set to Once, the sample is looped once.
If this is set to Until Release, the sample is looped repeatedly until you release the key on the keyboard.
If this is set to Alternate Until Release, the loop alternates forward and backward for as long as you hold the key.
- One Shot
The sample is played back once from beginning to end, regardless of any loop settings.
- MIDI Reset
Stops playback and resets all MIDI controllers to their default values.
This is useful, for example, if you want to stop playback of a long audio sample in One Shot mode.
- Fixed Pitch
If a sample is triggered by a MIDI note other than the one defined by the Root Key setting, the sample is pitched accordingly. If Fixed Pitch is activated, the relation between played note and root key is disregarded and all keys play the sample just as it was recorded.
- Reverse Sample
Reverses the sample. This allows you to play back the sample backwards.
- Monophonic Mode
Activates monophonic playback. For solo instruments, this usually results in a more naturally sounding performance. If monophonic playback is activated, a note that was stolen by another note is retriggered if you still hold the stolen note when you release the new one. This way, you can play trills by holding one note and quickly and repeatedly pressing and releasing another note, for example.
If this option is deactivated, you can play up to 128 notes simultaneously.
- Transfer to New Instrument
Allows you to transfer the audio sample with all its Sampler Control settings to an instrument that is loaded to a new instrument track.
- Open in Separate Window
Opens Sampler Control in a separate window.
- Open in Lower Zone
Opens Sampler Control in the lower zone.