Exporting Music Segments Using Drag and Drop

The music that you use for video can consist of music segments that contain audio events, audio/MIDI parts, or markers on several tracks. These can be controlled dynamically using the game audio engine.


You have composed several audio events, audio/MIDI parts, or markers for a music segment.


  1. In your game audio engine, select the music segment option.

    In Wwise, for example, open the project explorer, and select the root node Interactive Music Hierarchy.

  2. Select the audio events, audio/MIDI parts, and the position and cycle markers that make up the music segment in the Project window.
  3. Drag the music segment to the drop zone of the Game Audio Connect window.


The render operation is triggered for the dragged events using the current settings. The rendered files are automatically transferred to the connected game audio engine. The tempo and time signature are exported for the music segment.

After Completing This Task

After exporting the music segments, an import dialog opens in Wwise that contains all tracks and events of the music segment. The cycle marker start defines the pre-entry and post-exit range for the segment, position markers are interpreted as cue markers.