Loudness Track Controls
The track list for the loudness track contains a number of parameters to control the loudness track.
The track list for the loudness track contains the following settings:
- Activate Loudness Calculation
Activates the loudness calculation.
- Enable Recording of Loudness Curve
Enables the creation of a loudness curve in real-time at the cursor position during playback.
- Short Term
Shows the loudness measured over a duration of 3 s.
Allows you to switch the loudness unit from LUFS (Loudness Unit, absolute values) to LU (relative values).
- Clear Loudness Curve
Allows you to clear the loudness curve on the loudness track.
- Quick Analysis
Enables the creation of a loudness curve for a defined section in off-line processing.
- Count of true peak values exceeding reference level
Shows the count of true peak values that are exceeding the reference level.
- True peak level at cursor
Shows the true peak level at the cursor position.
- Jump to previous/next true peak value exceeding reference level
Moves the cursor to the previous/next true peak position that exceeds the reference level.
- Visible Loudness - Upper/Lower limit
Allows you to specify the display range. Note that this does not change the measured loudness, but changes the display scale of the loudness track.