Welcome to this First Steps with WaveLab Cast guide, which we have created so that you can start working on your first podcast right away. It introduces you to the most important features of WaveLab Cast and takes you through all the basic workflows.
Setting Up Your System
Before you can start working on your podcast project, you need to make sure that WaveLab Cast can access your audio interface as well as your microphone, so that you can record content, and your speakers or headphones, so that you can listen to your audio files.
Creating an Audio Montage via the Startup Assistant
The easiest way to get started with a podcast in WaveLab Cast is to create an audio montage from a template via the Startup Assistant.
Saving an Audio Montage
Now that you have created an audio montage, you can save it.
Importing Audio Files
In just a few simple steps, you can fill your audio montage with the different audio files that make up your podcast and arrange them on the corresponding tracks.
Recording in WaveLab Cast
You can record your main content and any voice-overs; that is, your own voice and contributions by any additional hosts, guests, or interviewees, in WaveLab Cast.
Listening to the Tracks in Your Podcast
You can listen to either all the tracks in your podcast at once, or select individual tracks.
Moving, Duplicating, and Deleting Clips
In WaveLab Cast, you can easily move, copy, and delete clips in your audio montage.
Fading Clips in Your Audio Montage
You can apply fade-ins, fade-outs, and crossfades to clips.
Trimming and Splitting Clips
In WaveLab Cast, you can trim the clips in an audio montage and split them into smaller audio segments.
Ducking Music to Your Voice-Over
In parts of your podcast where spoken content is accompanied by music, you can use the ducking feature to attenuate the music so that the voice is in the foreground.
Enhancing the Sound of Your Podcast
The Track Inspector section in WaveLab Cast is home to a number of effects that enable you to optimize the sound of your podcast, and enhance the listening experience for your audience.
Exporting Your Podcast
To publish your podcast, you need to specify an output format and render the podcast. This turns the audio montage into an audio file that you can upload to a podcast host service.
Setting the Loudness of Your Podcast
As most podcast host services ask you to comply with specific loudness requirements, you can set the loudness of your audio file after rendering your podcast.
Where to Go From Here
We hope that you have now successfully created your first podcast and are satisfied with the result, and that you have enjoyed working with WaveLab Cast.