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WaveLab-specific plug-ins use the plug-in format of WaveLab, and cannot be used with other applications.
This plug-in is a professional sample rate converter providing exceptional transparency and preservation of the frequency content. It is only available in the Master Section.
In WaveLab there is no limitation to the use of VST plug-ins. They can be used wherever plug-ins can be inserted.
Brickwall Limiter
Brickwall Limiter ensures that the output level never exceeds a set limit.
Compressor reduces the dynamic range of the audio, making softer sounds louder or louder sounds softer, or both.
Gating, or noise gating, silences audio signals below a set threshold. As soon as the signal level exceeds the threshold, the gate opens to let the signal through.
Limiter is designed to ensure that the output level never exceeds a set output level, to avoid clipping in following devices.
RoomWorks SE
RoomWorks SE is a smaller version of the RoomWorks plug-in. RoomWorks SE delivers high quality reverberation, but has fewer parameters and is less CPU demanding than the full version.
StereoEnhancer expands the stereo width of (stereo) audio material. It cannot be used with mono files.
Studio EQ is a high-quality 4-band parametric stereo equalizer. All four bands can act as fully parametric peak filters. In addition, the low and high bands can act as either shelving filters (three types) or as cut filters (low-pass/high-pass).