Envelope Dialog
In this dialog, you can create a level envelope which can be applied to a selected range or a whole audio file. This is useful if you want to even-out loud and quiet parts or create a sophisticated fade in or fade out, for example.
To open the Envelope dialog, select the Process tab in the Audio Editor, and click Envelope in the Level section.

The dialog shows a waveform with an envelope curve (initially a straight line). A vertical ruler displays the level in dB, and the horizontal ruler displays the timeline.
The following options are available:
Undo the Last Operation
Redo the Last Undone Operation
Deselect the Envelope Points
Delete the Selected Envelope Points
Reset the Selected Envelope Points
Reset the Whole Envelope
Flip the Envelope Around the Horizontal Axis
Reverse the Envelope Time Sequence
Toggle the Envelope Smoothing