Render Tab


Auto Select Source

If this option is activated, the source is automatically selected according to the selection that you make in the audio file. If there is no selection, the whole audio file is processed.

The Source pop-up menu allows you to select which part of the audio file you want to process. The following options are available:

Whole File

Processes and renders the whole audio range.

Selected Audio Range

Processes and renders the selected audio range.

Specific Region

Processes and renders a specific audio range to an independent file.

Specify the region to process on the pop-up menu.

All Regions

Processes and renders each marked audio range to an independent file. By defining multiple isolated regions in an audio file, you can process them in one operation.

Specify the type of regions to process on the pop-up menu.


In Place

If this option is activated, the rendered audio range replaces the source audio range.

Unnamed File

If this option is activated, a temporary untitled file is rendered.

Named File

If this option is activated, you can specify a name for the rendered file.



Allows you to enter a name for the rendered file. Clicking the arrow icon opens a pop-up menu that offers you several naming options.


Allows you to specify a naming scheme for the file name.


Allows you to select a destination folder for the rendered files.


Opens a pop-up menu where you can select a single file format or multiple file formats.


Depending on the selected source, different options are available.

Bypass Master Section

If this option is activated, the plug-ins and gain of the Master Section are bypassed when rendering.

Auto Save Master Section Preset

If this option is activated, the Master Section preset is automatically saved in the companion file of the audio file when you render the file. You can load the Master Section preset via the Load Master Section Preset option in the lower right corner of the wave window.

Fade In/Out at Boundaries

If this option is activated, a fade is performed at the audio range boundaries when a new file is created, or a crossfade with the adjacent audio is created if the audio range is processed in place.

Crossfades allow for smooth transitions between the processed and the non-processed parts. The crossfade time and shape are set in the Audio Files Preferences. If the fade time is longer than half the length of the processed file, the fade is not performed.

No Reverb Tail

If this option is activated, the audio tail produced by effects such as reverb is not included in the rendered file.

Some plug-ins do not transfer information on the tail duration to WaveLab. In this case, this option has no effect. For such plug-ins, you can add the Silence plug-in to add extra samples at the end of the file.

Copy Markers

If this option is activated, the markers that are included in the range to process are copied to the rendered file.

Skip Exclusion Region

If this option is activated, muted audio ranges are skipped and not included in the result.

Open Resulting Audio File

If this option is activated, every rendered file is opened in a new window.

Open Files in New File Group

If this option is activated, the rendered audio file is imported in a new file group.

Bypass Master Section on Resulting Audio File

If this option is activated, playback of the resulting audio file bypasses the entire Master Section except the Playback Processing section. This setting can be toggled by clicking the button at the bottom right of the wave window or montage window.


It is recommended to activate this option, because this way, you do not monitor new files through the effects that have already been applied to them.

Include Pause before Track

If this option is activated and you render CD tracks, a pause is included before each CD track in the rendered file.

Include Pause after Track

If this option is activated and you render CD tracks, a pause is included after each CD track in the rendered file.

Upload to SoundCloud

If this option is activated, the rendered file is uploaded to SoundCloud.



This pop-up menu allows you to save and restore render presets. All settings are saved and restored, except the file name and the file location.



Starts the rendering process.