Configure External Tools Dialog

In this dialog, you can configure external tools to work with WaveLab Pro. For example, you can run a tool to zip the output files or an FTP tool to upload the files to the Internet.

  • To open the Configure External Tools dialog for audio files, select the Process tab in the Audio Editor, click External Tools in the Other section, and select Configure External Tools.

  • To open the Configure External Tools dialog for batch processes, select the Options tab in the Batch Processor window, open the On Success, Run External Tool pop-up menu, and select Configure External Tools.

List of external tools

The list of all external tools that are defined, in the order as they appear in the Tools menu.

Create item

Creates a new tool definition.

Delete item

Deletes the selected tool definition from the list.

Move selected item one position up/down

Moves the selected tool definition one position up/down.


The title for the tool definition.


The full path and file name of the application to run.

Arguments text field

The list of arguments to pass on to the application. Normally, there is at least one argument, for example, the active file name in WaveLab Pro. The required arguments depend on the application to run. Refer to the related documentation.

The arguments must be separated from one another by a space character. If an argument contains space characters, it must be enclosed in quotes.

Predefined arguments can be selected via the menu button next to this text field.

Arguments button

Opens a menu with a list of predefined arguments. These are placeholders that are replaced by actual values at runtime.

For example, if you select from the menu Active File Name with Its Path, the following text is inserted: $(FilePathAndName). At runtime, this symbol could be replaced by C:/Music/Piano.wav, presuming that this is the active file in WaveLab Pro.

Initial Folder

Specify the reference path that might be needed by the application. This path depends on the application. This setting is optional.


Allows you to add comments.

Before Execution – Warn If Active File Has Unsaved Changes (Audio Editor only)

If this option is activated, WaveLab Pro warns you if the active file has unsaved changes before running the external tool.

Before Execution – Close Active File (Audio Editor only)

If this option is activated, WaveLab Pro closes the active file before running the external tool. This is useful if the tool is meant to modify the active file.

Before Execution – Stop Playback (Audio Editor only)

If this option is activated, WaveLab Pro stops playing back the file before running the external tool. This is useful if the tool is meant to play back the file.