Podcast Editor
The Podcast Editor is divided into two panes. The upper pane shows the information for the feed or an episode, depending on the item that is selected in the list below. This is where you can add files, Internet links, or textual information to the podcast feed and its episodes. The lower pane shows an item list of the basic feed and all episodes that are included in the podcast.

Episode Section
In the Episode section, you can create, delete, and move individual podcast episodes.
- New
Adds a new untitled episode.
- Duplicate
Adds a new episode, copying all the information from the existing episode to the new one.
- Delete
Deletes the selected episode. Alternatively, you can exclude an episode from the podcast by deactivating the Enabled box.
- Cut/Copy/Paste
Cuts, copies, and pastes the selected episode.
- Move Up/Move Down
Moves the selected episode one position up or down in the list. Alternatively, use drag and drop.
FTP Section
In the FTP section, you can define where your podcast is going to be uploaded via FTP.
- Update All Items
Uploads/updates the XML podcast file on the FTP server. It also uploads all associated media files, but only if they are not yet available on the FTP server. This is the most common function to upload and update your podcast.
- Update Selected Item
Uploads/updates the XML podcast file on the FTP server. It also uploads the media file of the selected item in the list, but only if it is not yet available on the FTP server.
- Upload/Replace All Items
This is the same as above, but it always uploads/replaces all of the media files belonging to the item. This is useful if you have changed the audio data, for example.
- Upload/Replace Selected Items
This is the same as above, but it always uploads/replaces the media file of the selected item in the list. This is useful if you have changed the audio data, for example.
- FTP Settings
Opens the FTP Settings dialog, which allows you to edit the FTP settings that are related to this podcast.
Podcast Section
- View Published Podcast
Opens your podcast (via the URL that is specified in your FTP site settings) using your default browser.
- View XML Source Code
Opens an XML editor to display the source code of the podcast.
- Global Options
Edit the automatic picture resizing, set a time offset with Greenwich Mean Time, and specify the path of the HTML editor.
Main Tab
On the Main tab, you can assign parameters to your podcast. The available parameters change, depending on whether you select a feed or an episode. Field labels in bold letters mark fields that are mandatory to fill.
- Title
Sets the title of the feed, for example, the topic of your podcast.
- Description
Gives space for a further description of the feed content.
- Import HTML File (only available for episodes)
Lets you browse for an HTML document that replaces the description.
- Internet Link (URL)
The main link of the feed that the user sees. Use this to direct people to a web site that is related to your feed. Clicking the world icon opens the specified URL in your default Internet browser.
- Audio File (only available for episodes)
This sets the path to the audio file that you want to add to the episode. The audio file can be of any file type that is supported by the media reader of your browser. An MP3 file provides best compatibility. Click the icon to list the audio files that are already open in WaveLab Pro. Select one for your episode.
Alternatively, you can drag the list icon of an audio file into the audio file pane. Click the play icon to open the specified file in the default media player or viewer of your system, for previewing or checking purposes.
- Picture (only available for feeds)
According to the RSS standard, this picture may not be larger than 144 x 400 pixels, so the picture is automatically resized. Clicking the picture icon opens the specified picture in your default image viewer of your system.
Figure: Picture icon
- Publication Date and Time
Sets the publication date and time of the feed or episode. Clicking the Now button transfers the current date and time of your system.
- As Most Recent Episode (only available for feeds)
If this option is activated, the date and time of the most recent episode are automatically matched.
Extra Tab
On the Extra tab, you can assign parameters to your podcast. The available parameters change, depending on whether you select a feed or an episode.
The following parameters are available for a feed:
Webmaster (E-Mail Address)
Editor (E-Mail Address)
Related Domain (URL)
Frequency of Updates
Skip Hours (0 to 23, Comma Separated)
Time to Live (Number of Minutes)
The following parameters are available for an episode:
Author (Email Address)
Comments (URL)
Related Domain (URL)
Original Domain (URL)
iTunes Tab
On the iTunes tab, you can activate the iTunes extension that allows you to specify additional feed and episode information. The available parameters change, depending on whether you select a feed or an episode.
The following parameters are available for a feed:
Keywords (Comma Separated)
Owner Name
New URL of Feed
Hide in iTunes
Explicit Material
The following parameters are available for an episode:
Keywords (comma separated)
Hide in iTunes
Explicit material