Range Selection Dialog
This dialog allows you to specify an audio range for editing, processing, or playing back.
In the Audio Editor or the Audio Montage window, select the Edit tab, and click Range.

- Zero
The selection begins at the start of the file.
- Cursor
The selection begins at the edit cursor.
- End Position Minus Length
The selection begins at the specified end position minus the Specific Length value.
- Start of Selection
The selection begins at the start of the current selection range.
- End of Selection
The selection begins at the end of the current selection range.
- Marker (with Name)
The selection begins at the marker that is selected from the pop-up menu below.
- Offset (±)
Allows you to specify an offset for the selected start position.
- Custom
Allows you to specify a start time for the selection. The time unit is the same as the time unit that is selected for the time ruler.
- End of File
The selection ends at the end of the file.
- Cursor
The selection ends at the edit cursor.
- Start Position Plus Length
The selection ends at the specified start position plus the Specific Length value.
- Start of Selection
The selection ends at the start of the current selection range.
- End of Selection
The selection ends at the end of the current selection range.
- Marker (with Name)
The selection ends at the marker that is selected from the pop-up menu below.
- Offset (±)
Allows you to specify an offset for the selected end position.
- Custom
Allows you to specify an end time for the selection. The time unit is the same as the time unit that is selected for the time ruler.
- Specific Length
Allows you to specify the selection length.
- Set as Selection Length
Clicking this button freezes the current selection length. This is useful if you want to move the selection.
- Round Down Length
If this option is activated, the selection length is rounded down to the length specified in the value field.
- Snap to Zero-Crossing
If this option is activated, the start and the end of a selected range always snap to a zero-crossing point of the waveform.
- Channels
Select whether the selection spans the left channel, the right channel, or both.
With the play options, you can preview the specified audio range.
- Play to
Plays the range before the specified position.
- Play from
Plays the range after the specified position.
- Play Once
Plays the selection once.
- Play Looped
Plays the selection in a loop.
- Play Duration
Sets the playback length. Note that this overrides the From/To parameters.