Creating Crossfades

The material that you want to crossfade can either be in two different sections of the same audio file or in two different audio files.


  1. In the wave window, select the section that you want to fade in.
  2. Select the Yellowtec tab.
  3. In the Clipboard section, click Copy.
  4. Select the section that you want to fade out.

    The length of this selection determines the length of the actual crossfade (check the length on the status bar). The section can be within the selected audio file or in another wave window. However, the selection must not be longer than the selection that you just copied.

  5. Depending whether you want to create a fade in or a fade out, select one of the following options in the Clipboard section:
    • To apply the default crossfade type, click the Paste and Crossfade icon.

    • To select another crossfade type, click Paste and Crossfade below the crossfade icon. From the pop-up menu, select the type of crossfade that you want to create.


The crossfade is created. Any material that originally appeared after the selection in the file into which you paste, is moved so that it now appears after the pasted material.

Any excess material in the copied selection appears after the fade at full level.


If both files already have full level sections in the crossfade area (for example, if you have normalized both files), clipping and distortion might occur. If this happens, reduce the amplitude of both files by 3 dB to 6 dB and try again.

After Completing This Task

Play back the file and adjust the crossfade if necessary.