Loading Effects
You can load effects in the effect slots in the routing section or in the effect editors.
- To load an effect into an effect editor, move the mouse pointer over the editor until the Select Effect button appears, click it, and select an effect from the menu.
- To load an effect into an empty slot, click the slot and select the effect from the menu.
- To replace an effect in the effect editor, click Open Menu, select Change FX, and select another effect from the menu.
To move an effect to another slot, drag it onto that slot.
If the slot already contains an effect, the effect is replaced.
To copy an effect to another slot, hold down Alt/Opt or Ctrl/Cmd and drag the effect onto another slot.
You can also drag and drop effects between the two busses.
To move an effect between two slots, drag it there until a line indicates the position where the effect will be inserted.
If all four slots are used, you cannot insert an effect between two slots.