Key Editor Status Line

The Key Editor status line shows information about the mouse time position, the mouse value, and the current chord.

  • To show the status line, click Set up Window Layout on the toolbar, and activate Status Line.

The on/off status of the status line in the Key Editor window and in the Editor tab in the lower zone of the Project window are independent of each other.

Mouse Time Position

Displays the exact time position of the mouse pointer, based on the selected ruler display format. This lets you edit or insert notes at exact positions.

Mouse Value

Displays the exact pitch of the mouse pointer position in the event display. This facilitates finding the right pitch when entering or transposing notes.

If you move the mouse in the controller display, the controller event value is displayed at the mouse cursor position.

Current Chord Display

When the project cursor is positioned over notes that form a chord, the chord is displayed here.