Navigating in a Section

Once you have activated the focus for a section, you can control it with the computer keyboard. The channel sections and the fader controls that are selected for keyboard control are indicated by a red border.


  • To navigate through the controls, use the Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, or Right Arrow keys.
  • To activate or deactivate a switch, press Return.
  • To expand or collapse an active section, to open or close a value field in a slot, or to open the plug-in panel for a loaded plug-in, press Return.
  • To access the controls in the left zone, press Ctrl/Cmd-Return.
  • To access the controls in the middle zone, press Return.
  • To access the controls in the right zone, press Alt/Opt-Return.
  • To close a pop-up menu or a plug-in panel, press Esc.
  • To enable or disable the loaded plug-in, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt/Opt-Return.