Zoom Submenu

The Zoom submenu contains options for zooming in the Project window.

  • To open the Zoom submenu, select Edit > Zoom.

The following options are available:

Zoom In

Zooms in one step, centering on the project cursor.

Zoom Out

Zooms out one step, centering on the project cursor.

Zoom Full

Zooms out so that the whole project is visible. The whole project means the timeline from the project start to the length set in the Project Setup dialog.

Zoom to Selection

Zooms in horizontally and vertically so that the current selection fills the screen.

Zoom to Selection (Horiz.)

Zooms in horizontally so that the current selection fills the screen.

Zoom to Event

Zooms in to show the currently selected event. This option is available in the Sample Editor and in some MIDI editors.

Zoom In Vertically

Zooms in one step vertically.

Zoom Out Vertically

Zooms out one step vertically.

Zoom In Tracks

Zooms the selected tracks in one step vertically.

Zoom Out Tracks

Zooms the selected tracks out one step vertically.

Zoom Selected Tracks

Zooms in vertically on the selected tracks and minimizes the height of all other tracks.

Undo Zoom

These options allow you to undo the last zoom operation.

Redo Zoom

These options allow you to redo the last zoom operation.