MIDI Remote Manager Window
The MIDI Remote Manager window displays information about the connected MIDI controllers and the installed scripts.
To open the MIDI Remote Manager window, do one of the following:
In the MIDI Controller section of the MIDI Remote info line, click Open MIDI Remote Manager.

- MIDI Controllers
The MIDI Controllers tab lists all MIDI controllers, the ones that are currently connected and active, but also the ones which have been active before. To sort the list by a specific attribute, click the corresponding column header. Select a controller from the list to display its information in the bottom part of the window.
- Scripts
The Scripts tab lists all scripts that are installed by the names of the corresponding controllers. To sort the list by a specific attribute, click the corresponding column header. Select a controller name from the list to display information about the script in the bottom part of the window.
- Add Surface
Opens the Add MIDI Controller Surface dialog, which allows you to add a new MIDI controller surface for a MIDI controller that has no script.
- Import Script
Allows you to import MIDI controller scripts.
- Search
The search field allows you to search for specific controllers and scripts on the MIDI Controllers tab and on the Scripts tab by typing in their name.
- Reload Scripts
Allows you to reload the scripts.