PDF Documents and Online Documentation

The documentation consists of several documents. You can read them online or download them from steinberg.help.

You can reach steinberg.help from the program by selecting Help > Cubase Help.

Operation Manual

The main Cubase reference documentation, with detailed descriptions of operations, parameters, functions, and techniques.

Plug-in Reference

Describes the features and parameters of the included VST plug-ins, VST instruments, and MIDI effects.

Remote Control Devices

Lists the supported MIDI remote control devices.

MIDI Devices

Describes how to manage MIDI devices and device panels.

Groove Agent SE

Describes the features and parameters of the included VST instrument Groove Agent SE.

HALion Sonic

Describes the features and parameters of the included VST instrument HALion Sonic.


Describes the features and parameters of the included VST instrument Retrologue.


Describes the features and parameters of the included VST instrument Padshop.


Describes the features and parameters of the included VST instrument Verve.

Steinberg Library Manager

Describes how you can register and manage your VST Sound libraries.