Pitch Shift

Pitch Shift allows you to change the pitch of the audio with or without affecting its length. You can also create harmonies by specifying several pitches or apply pitch shift based on an envelope curve.

On the Transpose tab, the following options are available:

Keyboard display

Shows a graphic overview of the transposition where the root note is indicated in red and the transposed key is indicated in blue.


The indicated root note has nothing to do with the key or pitch of the original audio, it just provides a way to display transpose intervals.

  • To change the root note, use the settings in the Pitch Shift Base section, or hold Alt, and click the keyboard display.

  • To specify a transpose interval, click one of the keys.

  • To specify a chord, activate Multi Shift and click several keys.

    To remove a transpose interval, click a blue key.

Pitch Shift Settings


Allows you to specify the amount of pitch shift in semitones.


Allows you to specify the amount of pitch shift in cents.

Preview Settings


Allows you to lower the volume of the pitch-shifted sound. This is not available if Time Correction is activated.

Listen Key Level

Allows you to adjust the level of the pitch-shifted sound. Click Listen Key/Listen Chord to play a test tone of the pitch-shifted sound.

Pitch Shift Base

Root Note/Pitch

Allows you to set the root note.


The indicated root note has nothing to do with the key or pitch of the original audio, it just provides a way to display transpose intervals.

Multi Shift

Activate this to specify several transpose keys and create multi-part harmonies. If the intervals you add make up a standard chord, this chord is displayed to the right.

  • To include the original, untransposed sound, click the root key in the keyboard display so that it is displayed in blue.

Algorithm Settings

Time Correction

Activate this option to shift the pitch without affecting the length of the audio. If this is deactivated and you raise the pitch, the audio section is shortened.

MPEX 4 Preset

Allows you to select an MPEX 4 algorithm.