Track Folding Menu
You can show, hide, or invert tracks that are displayed in the Project window event display. This allows you to divide the project into several parts by creating several folder tracks for the different project elements and showing/hiding their contents by selecting a menu function or using a key command. You can also fold in automation tracks this way.
To open the Track Folding submenu, select .
The following options are available:
- Toggle Selected Track
Reverses the fold state of the selected track.
- Fold Tracks
Folds in all open folder tracks in the Project window.
NoteThe behavior of this function depends on the Deep Track Folding setting in the Preferences dialog.
- Unfold Tracks
Unfolds all folder tracks in the Project window.
NoteThe behavior of this function depends on the Deep Track Folding setting in the Preferences dialog.
- Flip Fold States
Flips the fold states of the tracks in the Project window. This means that all tracks that were folded in will be unfolded and all unfolded tracks will be folded in.
- Move Selected Tracks to New Folder
Moves all selected tracks to the folder track. This menu option is available if at least one folder track is available.
You can assign key commands for these menu options in the Key Commands dialog in the Project category.
If you activate Deep Track Folding in the Preferences dialog (Editing—Project & MixConsole page), track folding is applied to all subelements of the tracks.