Insert Effects
Insert effects can be inserted in the signal chain of an audio channel. This way, the whole channel signal passes through the effect.
You can add up to 16 different insert effects for each audio-related channel (audio track, group channel track, FX channel track, or instrument channel) or output bus.
The signal passes through the insert effects from top to bottom, according to their slot positions.
You can define post-fader insert slots for any channel. Post-fader insert slots are always post-EQ and post-fader.
To show all post-fader slots for insert effects in the MixConsole, right-click the inserts section, and in the context menu activate Show all available Slots for Inserts.
Use post-fader slots for insert effects where you want the level to remain unchanged after the effect. Dithering and maximizers are typically used as post-fader insert effects for output busses, for example.
If you want to use an effect with identical settings on several channels, set up a group channel, and apply your effect as a single insert for this group.