Player Remote Control Tab

The Player Remote Control tab in the Chord Pads Remote Settings dialog allows you to define a range of remote keys that trigger the chords that are assigned to the sections.

  • To open the Player Remote Control tab, click Chord Pads Remote Settings. In the Chord Pads Remote Settings dialog, click Player Remote Control.



Allows you to assign remote keys for up to 5 sections. You can use the section remote keys in combination with a pad remote key to trigger the chord notes that correspond to the sections.

MIDI Learn

Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to the sections.



Allows you to assign remote keys for up to 5 subsections. You can use the subsection remote keys in combination with a pad remote key to trigger the chord notes that correspond to the section transposed by the offset that is specified by its subsection.

MIDI Learn

Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to subsections.

Select/Mute Player

Select/Mute Player

Allows you to assign remote keys for player navigation and muting if you use different players on multiple tracks.

MIDI Learn

Activates/Deactivates the MIDI Learn function to assign MIDI input to the parameters for selecting and muting players.