Chord Pads Zone Toolbar

The chord pads zone toolbar contains tools and settings for the chord pads.

  • To show or hide the toolbar elements, right-click the toolbar, and activate or deactivate the elements.

Output Mode

Chord Pad Output Mode

Activate this to send chord data to all tracks that are monitored or record-enabled. Deactivate this to send chord data exclusively to tracks that are monitored or record-enabled and where Input Routing is set to Chord Pads.


If Record-Enable allows MIDI Thru is deactivated in the Preferences dialog (RecordMIDI page), you must activate Monitor to use the chord pads.

Step Input

Step Input

Activates/Deactivates step input.

Move Insert Mode

Moves all chord events to the right of the step input cursor to make room for the inserted event when you insert chord events.


This only works with Step Input activated.

Root Key

Root Key

Opens the Root Key pane, which allows you to change the root key. If you activate Transpose Pads, all chord pads are transposed to the set root key. The Enh. Shift pop-up menu allows you to change the enharmonic spelling of notes.

Chord Pads Presets

Open Chord Pads Preset Browser

Allows you to select a preset for chord pads and players.

Load Preset Settings

Opens a pane with preset settings.

  • Load Chords & Players

    Loads the chords and the players of Chord Pads Presets.

  • Load Chords Only

    Loads only the chords of Chord Pads Presets.

  • Load Players Only

    Loads only the players of Chord Pads Presets.

Previous Preset

Loads the previous chord pads preset.

Next Preset

Loads the next chord pads preset.

Save Preset

Allows you to save presets for chord pads and players.

Player Settings

Player Settings

Shows the selected player and opens the Player Settings pane, where you can select another player and a voicing style.

Player Mode Settings

Player Mode

Shows the selected player mode and opens a pop-up menu, where you can select another player mode.


You can drop a MIDI part from the event display on the Player Mode section. This automatically sets the player mode to Pattern and uses this MIDI part as a pattern.

Chord Assistant Window

Show/Hide Chord Assistant Window

Shows/Hides the Chord Assistant window that features the List, the Proximity, and the Circle of Fifths assistants.

Assign from Chord Track

Assign from Chord Track

Assigns the chord events from the chord track to the chord pads in the same order as they are shown on the chord track. Chord events that have more than one occurrence are only assigned once. If there are not enough chord events to fill the chord pads, some pads stay unassigned.

Snap Playback to Musical Grid

Snap Playback to Musical Grid

Allows you to snap the playback of a triggered chord pad to the next defined musical position. This is useful if you work with an arpeggiator or if you set the Player Modes to Pattern.

Velocity on Mouse Click


Allows you to determine the velocity value that is used when you trigger chord pads with the mouse.


You can set up the velocity range in the Preferences dialog (EditingMIDI page).

Chord Pads Remote Settings

Chord Pads Remote Settings

Opens the Chord Pads Remote Settings dialog, which allows you to change the remote key assignments and the layout of the chord pads.

Chord Assistant Window

Show/Hide Editor/Assistant

Shows/hides the Editor/Assistant in the chord pads zone.

Chord Pads Display Settings

Pad Display Settings

Opens the Chord Pad Display Settings pane, which allows you to change the chord symbols and the pad layout.