Adjusting Musical Positions to Time Positions

You can adjust musical positions to positions in time with the Time Warp tool.


Tempo track mode is activated. Snap is activated, and you have selected an appropriate Snap Type.


  1. On the Project window toolbar, click Time Warp, click it again, and select Warp Grid or Warp Grid (musical events follow) from the pop-up menu.

    The ruler is automatically set to Bars+Beats format.

  2. In the event display, locate the musical position that you want to adjust, and drag the time position to match it.

    This can be the event start, a certain hit within the event, etc.

  3. Release the mouse button.


The musical position is adjusted to the time position, and the tempo value of the last tempo event before the click position is changed. If later tempo events exist, a new tempo event is created at the click position.